
Monday, August 1, 2011

True Crime: Hong Kong is BACK IN ACTION!

For those of you that don't know True Crime is a gritty sand-boxy action adventure game. Kind of like Grand Theft Auto you can beat up on people and steal cars...actually A LOT like Grand Theft Auto. If your already getting uninterested in the franchise, WAIT, I was getting to the best part! ::Shakes you violently:: The games twist is that your cop earning your ranks within the police department. Perfect comparison would be L.A. Noire meets Grand Theft Auto! A lot of people were knocked down a peg when news broke out that Activision had given up on the franchise entirely. Today it was announced that Square Enix will be picking up the title and just change the name to WHO GIVES A $!@$#. It is Square Enix....Maybe we will get to see some Final Fantasy characters in it kind of like Kingdom Hearts. (We got our fingers crossed)

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Plot:True Crime: Hong Kong, like its predecessors, focused on a police officer attempting to bring down criminal factions. The game took place in Hong Kong with players assuming control of Detective Wei Shen, an officer of the HK Triad Bureau. Wei has been assigned to go undercover and infiltrate the Triad organization called Sun On Yee. The plot focused on the moral struggle of Wei to stay true to his mission and stop the Triads while maintaining his cover and being as much like the criminals as possible


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