Toys For Tots: Chinese Couple Sell Their Children To Fund Video Gaming Addiction (WTF!!)
WoW is getting serious....I thought Asian games were the best because they just were, now I know they are just as addicted to video games as us. Ahhhhh Unity!
Fearless Father Jumps After Toddler Who Fell Down 70-Foot Incline
Yeah that little dot right there on the screen, is def the man holding onto his child. I am clapping as I type this....ARE YOU SAYING I AM LYING?!
Iranian Blinded by Acid Pardons Her Attacker
[Image is a bit graphic so click the link to see for yourself]
Women are a lot tougher then men give them credit for, Don't know what I would have done in her shoes.
Action Movie + Jackie Chan = Amazing....You had me at Jackie Chan! (Lets just hope for a Rush Hour 4)
Mozart's Sister:
Another great film about a famous person's family member we didn't know about. -___-
Artsy Fartsy
Taylor Baldwin's Assemblage Art
I don't usually go around the web and look up art pieces, but I will do anything to make you like me! Go ahead and check him out, he is extremely talented.
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