
Monday, August 8, 2011

Seeing Is Believing!!

Personally these things freak me out, try imaging someone staring at you right now with these bad boys. As creepy as they are, they can be yours for a measly $15,000 a pair. Supposedly the optometrist behind these gems was inspired by the jewels in his wife's teeth. The optometrist belongs to the Shekhar Eye Research Center in India, and he created these diamond encrusted, gold plated contacts to give a person that extra something to look at. If you think it is a little bit pricey, Shekhar states that parts of the proceeds will go toward treating patients suffering from Stevens Johnson Syndrome, a skin disease that can lead to vision loss. So if you choose to buy these, I guess you will have a pair of eyes to match that heart of gold. Tell me what you think.


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