
Friday, August 5, 2011

Jupiter and a 14 Year Old's Anus...

Space exploration at its peak, as we ready for the next trip into outer space. Jupiter is still a mystery to scientist and apparently they are so sick of this they plan on spending approximately $1 Billion dollars. Why you may ask? Well it is because America is a BOSS and that is how we roll. Juno's trip is estimated to take roughly 5 years before reaching Jupiter's orbit (6 billion light years in distance). That is one round trip I would never willingly make, you know unless it was the thing to do because then I would be the first one aboard.

20 year old Loni Bouchard isn't your typical babysitter, she is the BEST. I am kidding of course. Loni is now facing charges of sexual assault because she gave a 14 year old boy alcohol before having sexual intercourse with him. Her list of charges may also include second-degree sexual assault and two counts of risk of injury to a child and illegal purchase of liquor. Now I see the reason for all of the uproar in this situation, but I can't help but to question things a bit. Loni is 6 years older then the boy and giving him alcohol may not have been the right way to do things, but what teenager isn't sneaking drinks around that age? If I remember correctly it wasn't too long ago that a certain 51 year old Lost star married a 16 year old girl. Is the Law really that stupid, lets do some math, 51-16 = OLD AS @#$%. Nonetheless this is something we need to work on, and I know she is in the wrong for giving him alcohol.It is just one of those situations where I can't pick a side, what do you think?


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