Bringing interesting and funny news from around the world in one location. ShiNiggles is for anyone that needs something to do to kill time. You ready to be a ShiNiggler?!, well at least it has claws. I guess the original Spider-Man cartoon show left a lasting image of a giant lizard in a lab coat. This is most likely an earlier version of the Mini-Godzilla, so expect to see a much bulkier version of him in the upcoming "The Amazing Spider-Man" film. I am all for making him look menacing and scary, which he would have to me if he didn't look like the Goombas from the Super Mario Bros film (1993) that tanked.[Look below for image] As an avid fan of the wall crawler I am excited for this film, but some of the designs they have come up with are sub par. Spider-man's costume looks like a weird bug-eyed candy striper, and now the lizard is a failed Goomba from a film that many people try to forget. I am sure the film will be pun intended of course! :)
I have been trying to keep this blog as unpolitical as possible but it is obvious that Mr. Cain won't stay out of the spotlight! What? You didn't hear?! I won't even bring up the countless allegations that were previously brought up about him, just the most recent one. A little gem by the name of Ginger White claims that she had a 13-year affair with the republican's best hope for beating Obama. Of course Mr. Cain denies everything, but denying can only get you so far sir. It seems that Ms. White has 61 recorded calls or text messages from his "private phone" to prove she isn't lying. Herman Cain was a fad for a short time and the people's patience is running quite thin. Plenty of politicians have had scandals and a couple of things leak out, but this has become a tsunami of epic proportions. His score on the polls is dropping and people are caring less about his policy and more about the next woman accusing him of "Who knows what." Mr. Cain, you're a man first and it is expected for you to be flawed, if it is true just admit it and keep going strong with your policies. Below are some quotes from the Hermanator himself. Enjoy Shinigglers!
Lets be honest, sometimes the best part of black Friday is watching the crazies run rampant throughout the store. Or is it just me, all well. I was sorely disappointed when I didn't get to see people fight over the last PS3 on sale, but luckily I am an avid internet searcher. Last Night/ This Morning a woman sprayed a couple of shoppers with pepper spray, to make sure she got the last Xbox 360. Obviously this isn't funny, and the woman deserves to be caught and pay for the injuries she caused. I am all for her keeping the Xbox though, she earned it (SPOILS OF WAR!!).
Not much information has been released about the upcoming Crow Reboot, besides who will be playing as the avenging rocker. Bradley Cooper has been slated to play the character, and concept art has leaked of what he will look like.
I almost created this post with the title Assassin's Creed 4 until I remembered Revelations would be 4th in the franchise. I remember when I thought Brotherhood was just a DLC, what a stupid move that was. For whoever is reading this I apologize for going off on a super tangent. It was announced today by Ubisoft that there will be another Assassin's Creed installment set for a 2012 release. I hope your about now?....NO?!...HOW ABOUT NOW?! Your right, we haven't even played Revelations yet! So here goes a light whoo-hoo for the 2012 release and a hardy hell yeah for Revelations being released in a week!!