
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Lizard Concept Art, well at least it has claws. I guess the original Spider-Man cartoon show left a lasting image of a giant lizard in a lab coat. This is most likely an earlier version of the Mini-Godzilla, so expect to see a much bulkier version of him in the upcoming "The Amazing Spider-Man" film. I am all for making him look menacing and scary, which he would have to me if he didn't look like the Goombas from the Super Mario Bros film (1993) that tanked.[Look below for image] As an avid fan of the wall crawler I am excited for this film, but some of the designs they have come up with are sub par. Spider-man's costume looks like a weird bug-eyed candy striper, and now the lizard is a failed Goomba from a film that many people try to forget. I am sure the film will be pun intended of course! :)

Goombas [1993 Super Mario Bros film]
R.I.P. to The Lizard we know and love.....


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